Major achievements of H-PASS

As we forge ahead with our ambitious project, we’re excited to share the latest developments and milestones achieved in our journey. As a first step, our literature mapping endeavor made a great contribution to prepare the H-PASS training planning. Work Package 3 aimed to conduct desk research with a literature screening and gather contemporary research […]

H-PASS Turns One: A Look Back and Ahead

As we celebrate the first anniversary of the Health Professionals and Digital Team Skills Development (H-PASS) project, it is a fitting moment to reflect on our journey and achievements over the past year. This project, a collaborative effort supported by the EU4Health programme, will go a long way in helping health professionals across Europe acquire […]

Celebrating One Year of H-PASS

This month marks a significant milestone for H-PASS – a project dedicated to equipping healthcare professionals with the tools and knowledge they need to adapt and thrive in the digital age. As we celebrate the 1st anniversary of launching the project, we reflect on the progress made and the impact of our collective efforts. The […]