Key objective: fostering resilience and strengthening skills

The “Health Professionals’ and the “DigitAl team” SkillS advancement” (H-PASS) project has been devised with the primary objective of supporting EU Member States in fostering team resilience and addressing challenges in care provision arising from skills mismatches or inadequacies. The overarching aim of H-PASS is to design and implement a comprehensive training programme encompassing well-developed modules and appropriate synchronous and asynchronous activities, training materials, and tools that target transversal skills. These skills ensure that health professionals maintain up-to-date and evolving knowledge, effectively bridging existing skills gaps. Notably, H-PASS places significant emphasis on nurturing digital skills among clinical staff in an innovative environment.

Working method and outputs

To achieve its goals, H-PASS adopts a multi-pronged approach. Firstly, it targets various health professions, including medical doctors, nurses, and pharmacists, providing them with training to bolster their digital competences. Additionally, the project focuses on training the trainers to facilitate more effective change management and cultivate digital change agents within the healthcare sector. This holistic approach is envisioned to lead to heightened digital maturity, literacy, readiness, and integration within the healthcare workforce.

H-PASS will conduct pilot implementations in six EU Member States, namely Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, and Romania. These pilot initiatives will serve to test and validate the efficacy of the new training programme and innovative learning environment, incorporating insights and lessons from diverse European contexts. Ensuring comprehensive stakeholder involvement and engagement across various levels, from national to regional and EU-wide, is a priority for H-PASS. Furthermore, the project seeks to foster synergy with other relevant EU initiatives, maximizing the uptake, impact, and sustainability of the H-PASS training programme within the European healthcare landscape.

In line with the European Commission’s objectives, this cutting-edge project provides EU Member States with tools and knowledge to build surge capacity and overcome difficulties in care delivery caused by a lack or mismatch of transversal and digital skills. Through knowledge sharing and exchange, H-PASS facilitates cooperation and best practice in health workforce training.