Work Package 1
Project Management & Evaluation

Oversees the H-PASS project’s daily management, coordination, evaluation, and collaboration with consortium partners and external experts for successful outcomes.
Lead beneficiary: OKFŐ

Work Package 2

Directs external communication, dissemination, and exploitation of the H-PASS project, aiming to enhance project visibility, maintain a consistent visual identity, and engage target audiences.


Work Package 3
Programme Design & Content Creation

Develops the H-PASS training program, including course module structure, content selection, and skill needs assessment, while also defining the training plan, participant selection criteria, duration, trainers’ module, and potential accreditation opportunities.

Lead beneficiary: OKFŐ

Work Package 4
Development of training materials

Develops evidence-based, transferable training materials across EU countries and educational contexts, achieved through two phases focusing on the evidence-based development of H-PASS training materials.

Lead beneficiary: INHWE-OKFŐ

Work Package 5
Online learning environment

Develops an online learning environment using virtual reality and an interactive repository for the H-PASS training course, facilitating blended learning and meeting key objectives of accessibility, user-friendliness, and practical skills practice in a simulated healthcare setting.

Lead beneficiary: INHWE

Work Package 6
Sustainability & Synergies

Ensures financial, societal, and environmental sustainability for H-PASS while establishing the Stakeholders Ecosystem and promoting collaboration with other EU initiatives for the systematic exploitation of the training program.

Lead beneficiary: ProMIS

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